Welcome to my website for sport aviation
enthusiasts - with a focus on
Aeronca and Stinson Aircraft, classics from the
From John's Family:
We are deeply saddened to say that on January 6th, 2020, John passed away after quietly fighting cancer for ten years. This loss has left a devastating hole in our small family and we will miss him dearly. Part of John's legacy is the vast resource of information that is Hangar 9 Aeroworks. He devoted much of his freetime while he was well to updating this website and keeping the aviation community tuned in to his work in the hangar restoring vintage planes. In honor of our beloved Dad and husband, we plan on keeping his website alive so the information can remain on the web and his knowledge and memory will be preserved here. This community brought him so much joy throughout his life and lead to many meaningful connections and lifelong friendships. We are so grateful for your continued love and support. Tailwinds, John.

Photo taken November, 2012 at Federhart-Ophelia
(VA99). Pictured are my Aeronca 1946 11AC Chief (since sold), Mike Roe's 1947 Stinson 108-1, and
John Haszard's 1931 Ford Model A Tudor Sedan.
Aeronca Pages - Information and Photos for Aeronca Enthusiasts.
Stinson Pages
Information and Photos for Stinson Enthusiasts.
Federhart-Ophelia STOLport -
A private grass airstrip near the Chesapeake Bay and home to Hangar 9 Aeroworks. Added 11/7/09. Updated 11/22/14.
Around Ophelia - Grass roots flying and fun at and around Federhart-Ophelia STOLport,
2010-2011 2006-2009
Added 6/5/10. Updated 4/28/15.
Fly-In! - Photos
from the impromptu 2011 Memorial Day Fly-In at Federhart-Ophelia.
Added 5/30/11.
Fly-In - on a beautiful autumn day nine pilots find their way to a beanfield
near Coles Point. Added 11/7/11. Updated 1/12/12.
Construction Project - I built a
hangar. You can see how I did it here.
Added 1/8/10, Updated 4/11/15.
Hangar Sale
- Aviation items for sale, including parts from my Stinson
project. Updated 3/17/15.
Videos - Here are some great videos featuring Stinsons and Aeroncas,
plus other classic vehicles.
Updated 4/11/16.
Hangar 9 Aeroworks - general information about the website.
Updated 12/31/13.

Butch Walsh in Stinson 108-2,
NC949D, and Ray Johnson in Aeronca 11AC,
NC3469E, return from Oshkosh AirVenture 2005. Both planes are Oshkosh
Grand Champions. Butch passed away on Thursday, May 11th, 2006. He was working in his shop
days before on one of his beloved Stinsons. Butch was a Master Stinson
Restorer and had won many Championship awards around the country for his
tremendous workmanship. He will be greatly missed by his family, his many
friends, and the entire Stinson community. For info on Butch's Grand Champion
NC6233M, see this
link. See a
tribute to Butch by Ray Johnson at
this link. Ray Johnson organizes the
Fly-In/Cruise-In event each year in
Marion, Indiana and is co-producer of the
Videos. Photo courtesy of Brian Matz of
Aerial Aspect Photography, taken from his Aeronca 11AC.
I'd enjoy hearing from anyone who shares an
interest in these classic aircraft. I especially welcome comments about
corrections that are needed to the website, whether they be in content or style.
You can email me john(at)hangar9aeroworks.com.
Page Updated 4/11/16