Stinson Aircraft
Photo Gallery
This page created December
12/28/14 Click on the image for a full-size
Here are some photos of Stinson aircraft from around the world.
December 25, 2014. Randy Phillips
of Camp Point, Illinois, wrote: "Here's my favorite pic of my 1946 108-1,
N97015, taken at Smith Airport, LL27, about two years ago."
April 25, 2014.
David Gullacher sent this photo of his 108-3
Super Stinson taken in July of 2013. Dave writes, "It is highly customized with
an O-470 Continental and 4 blade Warp Drive prop. It has a complete Cessna 180
fiberglass front end which fits very well. There are too many other upgrades and
mods to list here. My wife and I regularly fly this Stinson to Northern Ontario
and it is a trusty steed."
February 27, 2014. Mark Moore sent
this photo of his Stinson 108-2, N9495K, s/n 108-2495. Power is from a 165
Franklin. Mark has just completed a three-year restoration following a
ground loop caused by a seized outer wheel bearing. Mark had only
owned the plane two weeks when the bearing seized. Mark says, "Check those wheel
bearings." The photo was taken at the restoration site, Beard Airport,
52LA, near Lake Charles, Louisiana, home of Bruce Beard's Aircraft Services.
Mark restored the plane under the guidance of Bruce who is a master restorer and
also shot the paint using the AirTech process. Mark was inspired to use
the yellow and blue paint scheme after seeing Mike Roe's yellow 108-1 here at
Hangar 9 Aeroworks. The hot rod is an original all-steel body 32 Ford ownd
by Sheldon Hefler, who also took the photo.
June 16, 2013. Matt Humes sent this photo
of his metalized 108-2. N9432K, serial number 108-2432, is based east of
San Antonio, Texas at Zuehl Field (1TE4). Matt acquired it in 2011 from a
family friend and flew it home from Colorado where it had been owned and based
for more than 40 years. When new, it was owned by Ms. Molly Bernheim of
North Carolina, who wrote about her flying this Stinson called, "A Sky of My
Own". Matt's wife subsequently named the airplane, "Miss Molly".
Matt is currently stationed in Germany with the USAF, but looks forward to
flying his Stinson when he retires and gets back home.
June 30, 2012. Mike Benoit sent
this photo of his award-winning Stinson 108-1. Mike restored this from a basket
case that had not flown for more than 30 years. Notice that it has a rare
Aeromatic propeller and float fittings. Mike makes and sells reproductions
of the interior dome light covers, details
here. Mike is an air traffic controller in British Columbia, Canada.
May 21, 2012. Lynn O'Donnell sent
this photo of her Stinson 108-2 with the "Supermoon" rising over the tail on May
5, 2012. Lynn, a retired United Airlines 767 Captain, is based at Spruce
Creek in Florida.
March 23, 2012. Herk Strumpf sent this
photo. In the foreground is his "Golden Voyager."
December 27, 2011. Brandon Banks
sent this vintage photo and a note: "I just got the attached picture from a
family member. It shows my aunt, the late Florence "Floddie" Brooks and
her friend Bill Davis. Taking the picture is my uncle, David Brooks.
The three of them owned the Stinson in the picture, NC97495. They were on
the way back from Canada and stopped in Burlington, Vermont to clear customs."
The photo was taken on July 4, 1955. FAA records show the plane was deregistered in the early 1970's. Brandon
( would like any information
on the fate of NC97495. There are several interesting things about this
"straight" 108, serial 108-495. Notice that the left wheel pant is missing while
the right one is attached. One wonders if it was flown that way.
Also note the Aeromatic prop and oversized spinner. And finally, note the
stall warning indicator vane on the leading edge, just to the inside of the
landing lights. One does not often see these on early Stinsons.
December 14, 2011. Dennis Crenshaw
sent this in-flight photo of his beautiful 108-3, NC6102M. Dennis keeps
his Stinson at Hanover County Airport near Richmond, Virginia.
September 27, 2010. Henri Payre sent
these photos from France. He wrote , "We
had in July a nice Fly-In in Lons-le-Saulnier (LFGL) located in the French Jura
and made a few photographs. The photographer was Joe Rimensberger, from
Lausanne, shooting from a C170 with the right door removed. The two Stinsons are
F-BFPM and F-BEXD, the only two 108-3 registered in France and flying there. "
The blue and silver Stinson, F-BFPM belongs to Henri. The other Stinson,
F-BEXD, serial number 108-4419, belongs to Alain Flotard and was used by French
forces as a liaison aircraft in Indochina (Vietnam) in 1951. It was recently brought back to
France from Switzerland (where it was registered as HB-TRS) and restored to the
paint scheme used by the French military in Indochina.
September 29, 2010. Bob Steelhammer
sent this photo of his landing at Airventure 2010 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
N311C is a 108-2 with a Lycoming O-360 and a Hartzell constant speed prop.
Bob lives near Atlanta, Georgia.
August 30, 2010. Alan Uhler sent this and
said, "Couldn't resist this photo of my bird." N710C is a 108-3 in the
original colors. Alan is from Bellefonte, Pennsylvania.
August 16, 2010. Delbert Schneider
of Kalispell, Montana sent this photo of his N8963K. It is a 108-1 that has been upgraded with a
165 Franklin. The plane was damaged in September 2008 when a crosswind gust
turned the plane sideways on roll-out. The right landing gear and fuselage fabric were
damaged, as well as a prop strike and right wing tip damaged. After repairs,
Delbert completed a re-fabric job with Superflite VI. The color is Bahama
with ivory trim. It was finished in August 2010.
June 25, 2010. Dennis Crenshaw owns
this pretty Stinson 108-3, N6102M. I took this photo in my back yard when
Dennis came to visit.
May 20, 2010. NC8502 is now based
just across the runway from me at VA99. I took this photo of Mike Roe's
108-1 a few days after it arrived.
Serial number is
108-1502. It is one of a small number of Stinsons that came from the
factory painted yellow.
May 3, 2010. Here's something
different - and another example of a "working" Stinson. Lynn O'Donnell
sent these photos with a note indicating this was one of two Stinson "Mules"
built with a Pratt and Whitney R-1340 motor and enlarged door openings. I
believe this started as a V-77 based on the registration number. This one was
used for skydiving operations on the east coast. It is no longer
on the FAA registry. Notice the metalized fuselage, the wind deflectors
at the leading edge of the door openings, and the extended jump platform.
More Stinson
photos from the ARCHIVES 2008-2009.
More Stinson photos from the ARCHIVES
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